Wed, 24 February 2010
Speakers and attendees from the World Future Convention '09 held in Chicago. Hosted by Stephen Euin Cobb, this is the February 24, 2010 episode of The Future And You. [Running time: 29 minutes] These interviews were recorded July 18-19, 2009. Topics: A dozen college students from Student Pugwash describe the mission of this international organization, as well as what worries them about the future and what gives them the most hope. These students include: Jessica Holsinger, Nick Lilovich, Autumn Rains, and Alex Webster. Vicki Stein (program director of Future Problem Solving Program International) describes how FPSPI teaches children a step-by-step method of problem solving which can be used for the real-life problems they will face outside the classroom. Shashi Parulekar (of Natural State Research) describes how his company is working to make fuel out of waste plastic. |