The Future And You
Ideas and opinion about the future based on verifiable facts of today.
The Future And You -- August 1, 2012

Today's featured guests are: Dr. Tedd Roberts (a medical researcher with 30 years of experience who also blogs as Speaker-to-Lab-Animals); Cy Chase (a doctoral candidate in evolutionary biology at Vanderbilt); Cathe Smith (an insect molecular geneticist); Gary Shelton (an agronomist with the US Department of Agriculture (USDA); and, as moderator, your host Stephen Euin Cobb.

Topic: Genetic Manipulation--what we can do today that we could not do as little as three years ago, the falling cost of sequencing, what is pushing some areas forward and holding other areas back, where the money is flowing, its success's so far, what some of the big goals are, the benefits, the dangers, and other trends which are transforming this field into what it is yet to become. Because Genetic Manipulation is so technology driven--and because there is still so much to learn--it is one of our most rapidly changing fields of science and engineering.

Hosted by Stephen Euin Cobb, this is the August 1, 2012 episode of The Future And You. [Running time: 59 minutes] This panel was recorded on July 21, 2012 before a live audience in Chattanooga Tennessee at the science fiction and fantasy convention: LibertyCon. Special thanks go to Derek Spraker and John Trieber of LibertyCon who recorded this, and many other panels, for me; and to the Chattanooga Choo Choo Hotel for having such a fine sound system.

Announcement: Indistinguishable from Magic: Predictions of Revolutionary Future Science is a nonfiction article by Stephen Euin Cobb available in a Kindle Edition. This 27-page article--written by an experienced futurist who has interviewed over 300 people for their opinion about the future--describes several of the far future scientific and technological innovations which will transform our civilization from what it is now into an exponentially larger, faster, stronger and more dynamic civilization than can be contained on this planet, or in this solar system, or within this universe. These technologies will allow us to expand through those boundaries and find new unimagined boundaries beyond them to break through. (Article: 7,498 Words) Chapter Titles -- We Will Transmute the Elements; We Will Develop Many Completely New Physics; My Father's Watch; Hidden-Life May be More Common on Planets than Non-Hidden: And Earth May be No Exception; The Universal Diagram; Engineering Space: Altering This Universe and Making New Ones.

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Category:podcasts -- posted at: 12:35am EST