Wed, 29 August 2012
Eric Flint, Janet Morris, Lee Martindale, Holly McClure, Chris Morris and Daniel M. Hoyt are today's featured speakers. Topic: Electronic Piracy of music, books, movies, software, etc. (This is the second of two parts.) Eric Flint is the best selling author of more than 25 novels of science fiction and fantasy, as well as the former editor-in-chief of the online science fiction and fantasy magazine Jim Baen's Universe. Janet Morris is an author, publisher, editor and anthologist. Lee Martindale is a writer, editor and publisher. Chris Morris is an author, publisher and editor; as well as a singer and songwriter. Holly McClure is the president of Sullivan Maxx Literary agency and also is a writer. Daniel M. Hoyt is a science fiction writer and programmer in the field of rocket science. Hosted by Stephen Euin Cobb, this is the August 29, 2012 episode of The Future And You. [Running time: 38 minutes] This panel was recorded on July 21, 2012 before a live audience in Chattanooga Tennessee at the science fiction and fantasy convention: LibertyCon. Special thanks go to Derek Spraker and John Trieber of LibertyCon who recorded this, and many other panels for me; and to the Chattanooga Choo Choo Hotel for having such a fine sound system. |