The Future And You
Ideas and opinion about the future based on verifiable facts of today.
The Future And You--May 11, 2016

Topics: rich and powerful warn that robots are coming for your jobs; jet powered hoverboard shatters world record; DNA testing for $99 will accurately identify and measure all of your ethnicities; medical errors are now the number 3 cause of death in the USA; a robot stitched up a pig gut all by itself; you can play with IBM's quantum computer online for free; humans have faster metabolisms than closely related primates enabling larger brains; and many shameful headlines such as "Biotech company to try bringing the dead back to life."

Hosted by Stephen Euin Cobb, this is the May 11, 2016 episode of The Future And You. [Running time: 32 minutes]

Stephen Euin Cobb has interviewed over 350 people for his work as an author, futurist, magazine writer, ghostwriter, and award-winning podcaster. A contributing editor for Space and Time Magazine; he has also been a regular contributor for Robot, H+, Grim Couture and Port Iris magazines; and he spent three years as a columnist and contributing editor for Jim Baen's Universe Magazine. For the last ten years he has produced a weekly podcast, The Future And You, which explores (through interviews, panel discussions and commentary) all the ways the future will be different from today. He is an artist, essayist, game designer, transhumanist, and is on the Advisory Board of The Lifeboat Foundation. Stephen is the author of an ebook about the future entitled: Indistinguishable from Magic: Predictions of Revolutionary Future Science.

Direct download: TFAY_2016_5_11.mp3
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