The Future And You
Ideas and opinion about the future based on verifiable facts of today.
The Future And You--Sept 2, 2015

Topic: The Ethics of Human Augmentationthe pros, cons and conundrums.

Speakers: Kenneth I. Roy, Carol Johnson, Bill Thomasson, and Robert G. Kennedy.

Kenneth I. Roy is an engineer who has published technology speculation pieces in the Journal for the British Planetary Society, and the United States Naval Institute Proceedings. His current interests include terraforming and geoengineering.

Carol Johnson studied international terrorism, filled delegate positions for travel-seminars with Partners in Policy Making of Alabama for people with neurodeveopmental disabilities, and actively advocated school health for children with special needs.

Bill Thomasson helps biomedical researchers write their journal articles and grant applications, he serves as volunteer Treasurer for Chicago’s annual Disability Pride Parade (he has been legally blind since 2000) and has worked Accessibility Services for every WorldCon since 2011.

Robert G. Kennedy is a senior systems engineer, who does green energy policy and business development at the local, state, and national levels.

Hosted by Stephen Euin Cobb, this is the September 2, 2015 episode of The Future And You. [Running time: 54 minutes] This discussion was recorded in front of an audience at the science fiction and fantasy convention LibertyCon in Chattanooga TN, on June 27, 2015.

Stephen Euin Cobb has interviewed over 350 people for his work as an author, futurist, magazine writer, ghostwriter, and award-winning podcaster. A contributing editor for Space and Time Magazine; he has also been a regular contributor for Robot, H+, Grim Couture and Port Iris magazines; and he spent three years as a columnist and contributing editor for Jim Baen's Universe Magazine. For the last nine years he has produced a weekly podcast, The Future And You, which explores (through interviews, panel discussions and commentary) all the ways the future will be different from today. He is an artist, essayist, game designer, transhumanist, and is on the Advisory Board of The Lifeboat Foundation. Stephen is the author of an ebook about the future entitledIndistinguishable from Magic: Predictions of Revolutionary Future Science.

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