The Future And You
Ideas and opinion about the future based on verifiable facts of today.
The Future And You -- June 6, 2012

Jonah Knight (singer, songwriter, performer); Jaysen Buterin (independent film maker); three popular authors: James Maxey, David Drake and Janine Spendlove; half of the Mon Frere Comedy Troupe (specifically Bob Bashir, Tom McCoy and Matt Shawn); and my favorite Klingon, Commander Keela Septaric, are today's featured guests.

Composed of seven interviews I gathered in the hallways of the Hilton Hotel in Charlotte NC, this episode is dedicated to the SF&F convention ConCarolinas. I spoke on a number of science and technology panels again this year, and I will be including some of those fascinating discussions in future episodes, but this episode is intended to give you a little of the feel and flavour of the convention. Naturally my obsession with the trends which are creating our future manifests itself in today's episode. The first two interviews contain the bulk of today's trends. The remaining five are included because they are interesting and fun. 

The first interview is twelve minutes with the singer/songwriter/performer Jonah Knight who talks about how the upheaval in the music industry over the last decade or more has played itself out, and what authors can learn from it since their industry (publishing) is now in a very similar upheaval. The second interview is ten minutes with the independent film maker Jaysen Buterin about the equally technology-driven upheaval going on in the independent film industry. This is followed by three interviews of about three minutes each with popular authors: James Maxey, David Drake, and Janine Spendlove. Then five minutes with half of the Mon Frere Comedy Troupe (specifically Bob Bashir, Tom McCoy, and Matt Shawn). And to close, I am told what my last name means in Klingon by my favorite Klingon -- Keela Septaric who runs the Klingon Karaoke every year at ConCarolinas. (BTW: Klingon Karaoke does not involve singing in Klingon. It's just a snappier sounding name.)

Hosted by Stephen Euin Cobb, this is the June 6, 2012 episode of The Future And You. [Running time: 54 minutes]

ConCarolinas is a general multi-genre multi-media convention which is held every year in Charlotte NC. It's called a sci-fi convention, but in truth it covers all speculative fiction -- science fiction, fantasy and horror. It hosts a variety of fandom related events and guests, including gaming, discussion panels, costume events, music events like Klingon Karaoke, charity auction, SCA events, fan groups like the 501st Stormtroopers, Starfleet, and Klingon Assault Group, and something different every year.

Direct download: TFAY_2012_6_6.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 1:19am EST